I hung this guy on my door this morning. What a Turkey! I am in love.
I cut this guy out of 1/4" mdf handi-panels, sanded the edges to my favorite beveled edge, then painted him up. I mod podged pattern papers to his feathers for some color, then distressed them a bit around the edges with the same paint used on the feathers and a dry foam brush.
It took me about a week to settle on what to put on this sign. These things are very serious matters not to be taken lightly. I like Give Thanks, and Happy Thanksgiving and all that. However, I wanted this sign to be a statement of how I feel, not a command to everyone else. Finally I settled on "We Are So Blessed" cause that is how I feel. I LOvE Thanksgiving. It is actually one of my favorite seasons. There is so much energy in the air, no presents are needed, and it is just about family and reflecting on all our blessings. Thus, my statement.
Now I need to make my letters for the shutter next to the front door. I made a pattern today and have it all drawn out on my wood. It sits there, leaning up against the garage door, waiting for the morning when the boy becomes a Man...or the wood becomes a work of heart.
Until then, Happy Thanksgiving Season!