With the holidays right around the
corner, it’s the perfect time to start thinking about gift ideas for the men in
our lives!
While the hottest toys, gadgets and
accessories are likely to top off their lists, it’s important to make sure we’re
providing our tech-loving men with smart, practical gifts that help them get
organized and ready for the New Year.
Guess what I found on my doorstep last week!?! Fellowes sent me a shredder of my very ownsome to have and try out! I was so thrilled! I have been coveting a shredder for years now. After checking out some of the features on the Fellowes 63Cb, I wonder why I didn't get one sooner.
The Fellowes name is well known in the shredding community for it's well built products. This machine is very sleek. It came well packaged and very easy to assemble. I love, LoVe, LOVE that there is a reverse switch!
What a great feature! I have tried out a couple shredders in the past that did NOT have that fancy feature. Why would you want that? Every once in a while you might feed a pile of papers crooked or you might lose your grip before the item has started cutting, resulting in everything bunching at one end of the blades. Then the whole thing jams up. With the reverse button, vvvroooommmm, and you are free to try again :0)

All of the instructions are very clear on the machine and in the owner's manual. The two circle icons above remind you that this shredder has a 10 page capacity for quality, speedy shredding, AND that you will need to oil your shredder once in a while. After many years of sewing machine maintenance I have learned that the oiling is VERY important to be aware of. Clear instructions can be found in the owners manual, or, isn't it awesome, the company has printed the number for their help line right on top of the machine. How is that for customer service? I was super impressed.
Here is a shot of the blades inside.
they are a good three inches down inside the shredding port, far from wandering fingers. What a safe machine!
On the other side of the top there are a number of icons showing you what not to shred. My favorite has to be the child icon. Now be very, very certain, that if you purchase this shredder, you do not try...at any time...to shred your children ;0)
Just kidding.
Well, not really. Shredding your children can be messy. Just send them to Grandma's if you need a break :0)
For when they are around, they really should not operate the shredder without you right there helping them.
My kids LOVE to shred stuff for me. I was really impressed too with the safety feature that stops the shredding when hands are too close to the shredding port or opening. A "safe sense" light will come on and the machine stops. It is really nice to know that, even though I doubt little fingers would be able to reach down far enough into the machine, there is a sensor that will be a secondary protections for their tiny phalanges!
As shown in the other icons, please keep your hands, hair, ties and any other dangling objects out of the way when shredding. Also, don't use any aerosol oils to oil this machine.
Shred, shred, shred...
Shred, shred, shred...
Shredding all the way...through our holiday season, So
I have never shredded a card before. Paypal just sent me a replacement debit card so I was super excited to shred my old one and see how it worked.
Please note the card icon above the on lever. There is an arrow next to it. I found out, through trial and error, that the arrow is showing you where to insert the card :0) I put the card in at a different spot the first time. It started shredding, but I think the sensors that tell the machine to shred are at the top, but where the arrow is located, the sensors go all the way to the blades.
Long story short, the machine did not sense my card once it went a little ways. No problem. I just hit that reverse button, pulled the card out, and then re-inserted it at the arrow. Shredded like a charm!
I just wanted to show you this from the back of the box. You can leave the staples in the paper!!! I was pulling them out at first until I saw this label on the box. I had to run all over the house looking for paper with a staple in it to try. Sure enough, it worked!
Also note the 8 minute continuous run time. That means that you can shred one thing after another for up to 8 minutes, before the machine will stop shredding and cool down. Once it is cool, it will start shredding again.
The other feature that I loved was that the machine stops shredding, and a indicator light turns on, when the bottom is not closed all the way. This is important again to make sure you do not cut your hands from below when operating.
The bin was larger than most shredders I have seen for the home office. I LOVE that feature since I hate to empty the trash {*Lazy*}.
OK, so knowing that I am a "Craft Blogger" and knowing that our lovely hubbies like to buy us things that they want us to have {like a vacuum to keep the house clean for them, or pots and pans so we can cook for them}, I thought I might mention a few uses that YOU might find valuable...or at least interestingly humorous.
* First, there is a lot of safety in owning a shredder. You will protect your family from identity theft by shredding the vital information before disposal...like your names, addresses, birthdates, social security numbers, and account numbers.
* Second, you will save time and money by having a shredder in you home vs. using a shredding service. You won't have to drive around town and pay for a shredding service to have the above protection.
*Third, there are crafty uses for the shreds! Now turn on your imagination caps for me please.
The shredded paper can be used for mulch in your garden. Shred colored paper or wrapping paper for confetti in cards or to decorate tables. Use it in Easter and gift baskets as a cushiony filler, Paper mache will have never been easier! Just open that bottom drawer and start layering your project.
And just look at this project! Isn't it cute??? I found it on pinterest, but the original link can be found
on Baby Center.
The last one, I am kinda bummed not to be able to show you, but having just moved from Arizona, you can give your kids a White Christmas! Shred and shred, the spread and spread :0) There were people in Arizona that would cover their entire front yards with quilt batting. Why not use shredded paper instead {tee-hee}. I wouldn't want to clean it up, but tell me your kids would not list that Christmas as their favorite EVER! We just got snow Friday so I can't show you that particular idea.
And as if you need any more reason to buy the Fellows 63 Cb this Christmas, if you order it online, it comes with not one....but TWO boxes! Now your kids will have fun too! Don't they always love the boxes more than the contents themselves???
Um, you can't see this one going in a bad direction, can you?
Ok, one child not happy...
but, a little more play...
And we have total success!
Now, for total sweetness!!!! The Giveaway!!!
Fellowes has not only sent ME a free shredder, but they gave me one to give away! Here is what you need to do. I have loaded the options into Rafflecopter. Click on the widget below and choose however many options you wish. Each option will enter you into the drawing one time. Monday night at midnight a winner will be generated. I will post the winner on the blog Tuesday morning, and the lucky winner will have 48hrs to claim their prize.
Sound good?
Great! *Click away*
As an added bonus, Fellowes has asked me to start a pinboard of
Smart Gifts for Guys! You can check out the Fellowes shredder and a host of other gift ideas on my
Pinterest page. Please be aware that I am very nerd-laden when it comes to the men in my life. You will find no end of nerd gifts :0)
Also, Fellows has enlisted the help of 14 other bloggers. Each of them is hosting their own givaways AND pinterest boards. Feel free to check them out as well!!!
Ashley, Cute as a Fox Creations, http://www.cuteasafox.com
Brett, This Mama Loves Her Bargains, http://www.mamalovesherbargains.com
Christine, I Dream of Clean, http://www.idreamofclean.net
Colleen, Shibley Smiles, http://www.shibleysmiles.com
Crystal, A Pumpkin and a Princess, http://apumpkinandaprincess.com
Deb, Just Short of Crazy, http://justshortofcrazy.com
Ellen, Confessions of an Overworked Mom, http://www.confessionsofanover-workedmom.com
Heidi, Honeybear Lane, http://www.honeybearlane.com
Jo-Lynne, Musings of a Housewife, http://www.musingsofahousewife.com
Kelli, Lolly Jane, http://www.lollyjane.com
Kendra, Me and My Insanity, http://meandmyinsanity.com
Kristyn, Lil Luna, http://lilluna.com
Mary, Giving Up On Perfect, http://www.givinguponperfect.com
Rachel, Family Ever After, http://familyeverafterblog.com
Sandy, Organize with Sandy, http://www.organizewithsandy.com/blog
Sara, Mom Endeavors, http://www.momendeavors.com
Stephanie, Somewhat Simple, http://www.somewhatsimple.com
Tonya, Create-Celebrate-Explore, http://www.tonyastaab.com
Happy Guy Gifting every one! Hope you win the shredder!!!! I totally love mine :0)
Disclosure: “I received product from Fellowes, Inc. and The Motherhood as part
of my participation in this program. However, all thoughts and opinions expressed
in this post are my own.”