Thursday, February 26, 2015

Let It Snow....Not

People still say that, right?  Not after some sarcastic sentence to insinuate it isn't at all what they want to see happen, right???  Regardless, I don't REALLY want it to snow another flake.  This winter has been so freaky with the temps.  I am just saying, what ever happened to global warming?  We could use a tad bit of that right now.

Anyway, I cut these letters out and painted them up in probably November.  I wanted a cute thing to hang on my shutter in January after the joy of Christmas was over and the dull, grey slump of January set in.  Well, I finished it today.  It took me that much longer to thing about that silly sign at the top of the thing, the "Let it" sign. 

Yep, this one.  I painted it a turquoise color with Americana acrylic paint color "Indian Turquoise."  I cut some snowflakes out of silver vinyl and the lettering is made with the font called "Chalk-hand-lettering-shaded_dem."  Don't ask me where I got it.

The letters for "SNOW" were from the font "2 Peas Mr. Giggles," a personal favorite.

I used 1/4" MDF from Home Depot for all the wood.

So, now that my neighbors thing I am totally out of my mind, I better take this down and put my St. Patrick sign back up!!!

There.  Much better.  I will save my "Let It Snow" sign for next year when, after the long sticky summer, I still think snowflakes are beautifully mesmerizing.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Little Man

This little man was quite the snuggler.  I SERIoUSLY LOvE it when I get to hold these little babies in my arms and sniff the newness that fills the room.  New babies are just magical in the way they fill you with happiness from tippy top to toes.

Loved the Red Head too!

I love to squeeze the yellow crate into the pics when I am shooting back in Fairmont.  This baby AND this crate originated in Fairmont, Minnesota ;0}

Caught a smile!  lOve it!!!

Come here little man.  I'll Kiss your sweet little newborn cheeks <3 p="">

Want to Gobble Them Up!

Cutest family ever!  That littlest girl with all her curls, I could have just eaten her up.  All of the kids has amazing brown eyes and such sweet personalities.  That poor little brother though, he is going to have a hard, girl-trapped life I tell you!

Enjoy the rest now little brother.  You will soon be sister-handled, dressed up in doll clothes and forced to wear princess shoes!!!

Cuteness Overkill

Here is one fabulous group I got to photograph this past month.  My cuteness detector was overflowing after an hour with all these adorable girls!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Addie is Two!

Addie came over for a couple quick shots to mark her second birthday.  I love that smile.  It has just a hint of devilishness I must admit I have myself.  

Bubbles Anyone???
LOvE This One!  

I should have called this the many sides of Addie, or something like that.

Peaceful, deep in thought...

And NOT any of the above.
This girl loves her bubbles!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Be Mine

Here are my cute little valentines I made for the kids this year.  We found these darling little mailboxes at Target for $1.  I added a little vinyl, tossed in some treats, and gave one to each of my little love bugs with a kiss.

The names were a bit smaller than I thought they would be, then the doily hearts were a bit larger, but the kids liked them ;0}  

Happy Valentines Day!!!

Friday, February 13, 2015


Little Addie-Pie has been a constant customer and I totally love it!  She is just so, SO cute!  She is a hard nut to crack when you are looking for a smile, but when she cuts loose, she is all smiles.  

We discovered she has a particular love of Olaf.  Luckily we were able to get a couple pictures without him ;0}

As you all know, it isn't easy being beautiful.  I had to include this slight glimpse of Addie a tad less than happy.  One of my favorites ;0}  Being 2 means LoTS of temper tantrums.  I am pretty sure we all are familiar with that fact, aren't we?

Novelty Print Quilt Pattern

I have had a hard time finding good quilt patterns for novelty prints the past couple times I purchased them.  I made up this pattern so tha...