It might as well be my Birthday, cause Baby, I brought home a Bosch today!!!
New Tool! New Tool!!! AHeM! I have a New Tooooool!
I got a palm router with interchangeable plunge base. Yep. Honey, we can sell the kids. I have moved on to entertainment I don't have to feed!
I have been selling these saw frames for....well....almost a decade, and have never had the router to inset the picture. Well, Ladies and Gentlemen...I do now!
I am E-X-C-I-T-E-D!
Here is my frame on Etsy...
Now I can sell something that is not only cute, but professional! WoWoo!
I can use the router for this frame too...
AAAAaaaandddd, I can make a billion other frames {in all of my spare time, yeah right!}.
A girl can dream though!
Let's just take a closer look at that groove around the photo frame....It is so sexy smooth!
Thanks Hubbs for my gift! It has been nice knowing ya ;0}
I will be in the garage from here on out.
I think I need to shop for router bits.....
Wow, that is an amazing tool. Congratulations!