Alright, remember last week when I posted about the grad party???
Well, I forgot to tell you about my sign. It isn't anything special, but I seriously went to bed thinking about it, then woke up in the dead of night, sitting straight up in bed with this sign in my head.
I tried to type it into my note app on my phone, and made a miserable mess, but this is basically what I came up with.
It was supposed to say When you're college bound,
New friends, New town...
But graphically, it fit better to switch the friends and town. However, for the rest of the week I had this little nails on chalkboard feeling in the back of my head about that being switched. I am sure it is just an OCD thing, but still it drives me crazy.
I have the file and a silhouette cut file in my dropbox if you want them. Feel free to move the friends and town back the way they are supposed to be to make the little rhyme flow better ;0}
I cut the words out of vinyl, and added them to a piece of wood I had already painted and ready to go from some other project. Lucky for me they fit and I was off to another party plan ;0}

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