I have the exciting opportunity, through TheMotherhood.com, to share details about Champions for kids! These two organizations have teamed up along with Elmer's, Purell, Unilever, and Walmart to help get school supplies in the hands of those kids that need them most.
Here are a few details about Champions for Kids before I get to the Giveaway:
More than 16 million American children live in
poverty. For many, buying the items they need to succeed in the classroom can
be a challenge.
Children with quality school supplies are better
equipped to succeed academically and creatively, and that's why The Motherhood
is joining Champions for Kids, along with Elmer's, Purell, Unilever and Walmart, for this Twitter
party to spread the word about a SIMPLE Giving initiative that can help give
kids the resources they need to thrive.
The initiative is taking place in more than 3,000
Walmart stores across the U.S., collecting school supplies for children in
need! Anyone can participate in the campaign simply by purchasing and donating
a backpack full of school supplies at your local Walmart store from July 7
through August 1. In addition to the school supplies, each backpack contains a
coupon booklet valued at over $50! Simply remove the coupon booklet from the
backpack to use yourself and place the backpack full of supplies in the school
bus donation bin - the money you'll save by using the coupon booklet will pay
for the backpack you donated, and your donation will help a local child. For a
full list of participating stores, click here.
That gets me to my fabulous part of this whole project. I was asked to run a school or craft supply drive here in my community. Life has been more than crazy busy, so I have had a really hard time deciding where to focus my champion-type efforts. Finally, after several days of stewing over this, I called my daughter's local school. We don't start back until after Labor Day, so I don't actually have her teacher assignment yet, but I DO know a fabulous lady that works in the office of the school.
When I say that this lady is fabulous, it really is a gross understatement.
Never in my life have I seen a more smiley or inviting face sitting behind the desk in the front office of any building, much less the school. Seriously. In addition to her inviting personality, she knows me and my daughter after only a handful of times of checking my little student in or out of class. Anyway, I called this lovely lady and gave her a very mumbled explanation of the project I had in mind. She checked with the Summer School coordinator and came back with a list of things they need right now and a few items they typically run out of from the supplies donated by a local church.
I am so glad I called. I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner! So here is the deal. With the summer so crazy for everyone, I am going to run a 48 hour school supply drive. You all are my community too, so I wanted to open the opportunity up to my fabulous bloggies too! The list given me was actually very meager. They need pencils, spiral notebooks, and plain 2 pocket folders.
If you would like to donate, I will take actual school supplies, or you can simply donate a dollar or two via this paypal button:

Even one or two dollars will help. Just FYI, if you pay from a paypal balance or a debit card, there are no fees taken from your donation. If you pay with a credit card there is like a 3% charge, so to have your full amount donated to the cause, please use a debit card or your paypal balance ;0} But we will take your credit card payments too!
At the end of the 48 hour period I will have a drawing for this fabulous set

My studious little book worm and his apple-y snack.
I will do a random drawing of all local and online donations, then I will be back Friday with the winner and pictures of us purchasing the supplies.
Please leave a comment or email me with any questions!!!
And don't forget to check out the Champions for Kids display at your local Walmart!

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