Welcome to my new favorite wood craft store! Poppy Seed Projects in Sandy, Utah. I saw this store in a pin about three years ago. It has been that long since we were in Utah. It was the first store on my list for this shopping trip, even if it wasn't the first one I got to go to ;0}
As you can see on the door, they do not open until Noon on any given day. They reserve the morning to get vinyl picked and supplies made for purchase every day. As for the particulars, they are located just off 90th and the I-15, on the southwest side of the freeway. The actual address is
477 W. 9160 S.
Sandy, UT 84070
Sunday: CLOSED
Mon-Fri: 12:00-5:30
Sat: 12:00-4:00
You can see more at PoppySeedProjects.com.
Here is a little, just a little sampling, of what I saw in the store. I can't even wait to show you!!!
If you have followed my blog for a while you know we did these temple blocks for Super Saturday a few years back. Well, if you haven't made your own yet, all the stuff is available here. Kits are only $3.50. I bought the one on the far right that says Praise to the Man. It was perfect with the trip our youth just took to Nauvoo, Illinois.
Right next to that were these cute divided plaques. I have seen printed church pictures used on these, but this with personal family photos was precious. Want.
Please excuse the lame phone camera pictures. You know how it is, one picture is so fabulous it blows your mind and the next is a blurry mess. I had to show you this cute little tin, so we will both have to put up with the blur. Sorry. Anyway, what a cute gift or busy box to keep a little one occupied for a bit. They had a basket of these kits for sale that included a sheet of pictures, the tin, and the small tiles cut from bead board. You paint the tiles and glue on the pictures and that is pretty much it! My kids would spend more time stacking them tall or lining them up to make a sidewalk than they would playing the matching game, but it all fits the purpose ;0} I really want one of these in my church bag. There are so many times I end up wishing I had a little toy to keep a little one busy, even now that my own are getting so big.
Love, love, love the nativity blocks. Love them!
And how precious is that picture?!? I love that it is so uniquely shaped. It makes it even more eye catching.
You can figure by now that I want pretty much everything pictured in this post, but this...
When I walked into my Mother-in-law's house the first night we were in town, her board like this was the first thing I noticed. It is just this huge board where you can hang all your random loose photos that you love but are too lazy to frame ;0} OK, not too lazy, just too tired..or busy..or cheap..or short on shelf space or WHATEVER! Really, REALLY WANT!
I love that Poppy Seed Projects has so many simple, fun decorations for every day life. Above that, they have all sorts of adorable, trendy crafts for the holidays. These aren't the same old, dark, moss covered crafts yo' mama made. They are fresh and clean and so, SO CUTE!!!
Oh pink and blue! How do I love you!!!
Love. Gotta have.
Here are a few more of various holidays...
I might as well throw the wedding ideas in with the seasonal, right? Adorbs. I love wedding signage. These are just the best {lego movie}
Did I mention that they did not pay me to write this post. I did obtain permission to share my photos and my opinion, and baby, this place rocks!
They have all sorts of LDS projects available...
Primary, Young Women, and Youth. Mission ideas and more.
I also grabbed one of these. I have a very, VERY meager craft budget this trip, but I was still able to leave the store with a bag full of fun for less than $15. I love the eye glass paper on the block. Bought it up by the register so I can CopyCat this block exactly ;0}
Apparently this is one of the original projects that started it all seven years ago. One lovely lady made the project, ended up sharing it at church, word spread. Soon the one lady became two. The two ladies became so popular simply by word of mouth that they were able to open a store four years later. The store has been open now for three years. For a while they did the cutting on site. Now the store is simply for sales and they do the cutting at another location. I can see how they would grow so quickly with such amazing talent.
These shaped wood plaques were what got my interest on Pinterest so many years ago. I just, just LOVE THEM. How precious is this!?! Now that I am doing photography, I really would love to bring my two passions, wood and photos, together in a similar way.
Some more plaque/frames on display...
Cute calendar and menu boards that would make my Mom job more enjoyable when doing the mundane.
I can't give you a peek at the store without showing you the "store" part. Why not start here...
Yep. Best playplace in a craftstore EVER! Kids were singing to "Let it Go" as we shopped. Quite fitting don't you think? That pile of boxes right before the playroom would be the clearance table. They have various wood and projects at discounted prices AND a box of vinyl scrap that is only $.25 a sheet!!!! I bought about $4 of vinyl for $.50. NOW it isn't a problem that I forgot to bring some with me ;0}
Did I mention I am a total fan now.
Up by the register they have a fabulously adorable selection of paper, the very same they used in the samples of the projects on display. They also sell the cutest bottles of latex paint, also the same as used in producing their samples. I love the little Poppy Seed Projects labels. These ladies have really done a fabulous job branding their products and business. I am super impressed.
A glimpse of the shelves in the back. This probably only makes me excited, but it is just so pretty. I am trying to get my garage to look like this so I can get production a tad more efficient.
Lastly, they have a classroom, clean and well lit, ready for you to come and make projects right in the store. Give them a call when you are in town. It will totally make your trip. I have been in town less than a week and have gone there twice with two different friends. Even Sharon, my long lost Minnesota friend that moved here all the way back in April came, professing not to be that into wood, but walked away anxious for the chance to come back.
The two ladies that work the counter are the most friendly, smiley staff I have met in a long time. Be sure to tell them Vanessa from Minnesota told you about the store. If you take an Instagram picture and post it while you are in there you will get 10% off your purchase!
OK,I am done with my sales pitch. I am off to bed, finally. Have a great weekend and I will be back with more fabulous places you need to visit soon!

that store looks amazing. How is it possible that it's 10 minutes from my house and I've never heard of it? That is definitely going to be on my list of places to check out.