I don't know what possessed this sweet little lady from church to bring us food, but randomly one day she called and said she was making empanadas and wanted to bring us some.
Bring them right over!
They were totally delicious and I was THRILLED to not have to make dinner.
Empanadas were devoured, dishes washed, and then her pan sat on my counter for probably 2 weeks. I decided enough time had passed, this pan needed to go home. A naughty thought had been playing in the back of my mind the whole time, so I decided to act on it quick before I could stop myself.
I set about to etch the family name into the back of the pan.
The pan was just a plain pyrex glass pan. I was Fairly certain the family wouldn't mind having their name added to the back of the pan. Then, if it ever got lost at someone else's house, everyone would know who it actually belonged to.
I designed a little label on the computer and cut it out of vinyl. I forgot to reverse the image the first time, so I reversed the image and cut it out again. I used repositionable vinyl so the vinyl stencil would come off the pan easily at the end of the project.
Once the vinyl label was ready I used a light pad under the pan to help illuminate the edges of the pan and to help me position the vinyl label in the right place.
Done. I rubbed the stencil down all over, then peeled the transfer tape off.
Time for glass etching. I knew I was taking a risk that this little surprise would not be a welcomed surprise. By using glass etching to make a permanent stencil on this pan I was hoping it would exist, but not be too intrusive. Worst case I would just buy them a new pan, but this lady was such a sweetheart with a love of all things pretty, I felt secure in this little addition to her pan.
Just beware...Bringing plain pans to the SewCakeMaker family may result in glass etching of your pan!
I bought this glass Etching cream probably 17 years ago. Guess what? It still works.
To use glass etch just use a regular brush and paint it on. Be sure to not get it on your skin or in your eyes or mouth. Brush this on all exposed areas in the design that you want to show frosty.
Just let that sit for about 5 minutes, then rinse off in the sink with regular old tap water.
You can see in the top right area of this photo where I have peeled off the temporary vinyl. The normal glass design is exposed, surrounded by frosty loveliness.
After removing the rest of the vinyl....
This is the pan while upside down.
I etched the bottom of the pan so that when it is turned right side up it will look like this...
You can see the name and design right side up and looking great.
The pattern will not wash off. Once etched the glass is permanently changed.
I filled this pan with oreo cake pops and sent it with Hubbs and Emmalee to deliver it back to its original home. My friend was delighted, thank goodness, at the pretty addition. Maybe she loved the pan so much more more empanadas are in our future, lol! Now I am ready to start etching all my own glass, lol. It is slightly addictive!

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