I finally shipped off my order of 18 hand painted clippie sets!!! What a HUGE project!
Tomorrow I get to start an order double that size!!! I may need brain surgery after that order :0) There is only so long a person can stare at tiny wooden shapes before the sanity starts to slip away.
I spent the better part of the last two weeks cutting, sanding, wiping, painting, penning, gluing and assembling these beauties. I figure after all those hours I should at least get to show them off.
These next ones are applique my customer ordered for me to put on clips and ponys.
Wew! As much as I appreciate the business, I have to admit I am glad this one is over. I will be even more thrilled when I complete the 38 set order that looms over head. As for tonight, I am just going to go to bed and pretend none of this exists :0)

Wow this clips are great!!! I Love them!!!