Here are a couple more printables that are for Father's Day. I know it is coming up fast. I made these up for the Father's Day mini-sessions I am doing tomorrow. I had each one printed up, cut out wood to match, painted, then modge podged. I made a couple different variations, if needed, just ask:
These are just in case you wanted to make your blocks two-sided for a quick surprise for dad.

You can print, cut out, and glue to the back side of your original I {Heart} Family blocks to make them fitting to the holiday...
and to your favorite furry friend!
Here is a Super Dad logo I worked up. I had it printed onto 11x17 paper and then mounted it to a cut piece of pine for the back.
Last, but not least, I Wanna Be Just Like You!
Or at least the sign says I do ;0) Print it out, mount it on pine or cardboard and you are ready to go!
Feel free to ask me any questions!!!
But let's make it tomorrow. I really can't keep my eyes open one more second!!!

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