This little leprechaun got a new skirt to wear to school today.
How could I resist the opportunity to make a new skirt? Really, I couldn't. Especially when I saw this cute fabric sporting little Irish birds in tiny cocked-hats. The rainbow socks are just a side effect of, one, my love for rainbows, and two...we couldn't find any other leggings. Apparently I will be folding a mountain of clean clothes once these photos are posted ;0}
I made this skirt like the Valentine's Day Skirt, but added
the black ribbon belt and buckle for added leprechaun flair.
Emmalee thought the buckle was about the coolest thing she had ever seen and took the opportunity to show it to everyone we passed while out today.
Once again, these skirts are PERFECT for twirling.
I made the mistake of telling Emmers to do a little twirl...
Now I can't get her to STOP twirling!
Whatever. Dance an Irish jig while your spinning my little leprechaun.
Your only young once. Might as well spin every chance you can get.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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