As part of my grief therapy while trying to cope with the loss of my sweet grandma I have taken to a few clothing remodels. My cousins and I hit the DI in St. George last weekend where I found a couple inspiring tank tops and one lovely pink dress to make-over. Here are two of them.
This is one of the tank tops I bought for $2. It was a women's size Medium, but with a slight take-in, works great as a girl's size 6 sun dress. I couldn't resist the lovely green color and the fun striped yolks at the top and bottom of the shirt.
Here is the plainness before...sorry about the wrinkles.
Here is the flowered-up after product. Crazy I know, but I am in love with it.
I did a little rolled flowering, a little fabric gathering, and of course, threw in a few bows.
I can't tell you how great it looks on my little girl! I have a new hobby. Tank top to Girl's dress! Fabulous!!!
Emmalee likes it too. She was spinning around the living room all afternoon and stopping strangers in the store to show them her new dress.
Here is a shot of her hair. I tried a new hairdo also. You see, I am having a very hard time getting myself to do anything right now. Those two accomplishments are about it for today, but I am proud of myself after the great deal of effort it took to do those two things. My craft-as-therapy is a fun distraction that I may just have to keep up.
Here is the Sunday dress I bought for $4. The dress was breathtaking, but the tiny little flower did not do it for me.
I snipped that baby off and set to work on another set of rolled flowers.
Some cotton, some satin, some rolled and some simply gathered...
I added a few pearls for accent. I think the bigger cluster of flowers works much better with this dress. I feel like there is something else I need to do, but just can't put a finger on it. It might just be a cute string of pearls, do ya think? That and a fun hair thing. I better keep working :0)
Emmers loved the dress. It comes just about to the floor, a princess's dream come true.
Again, spinning and twirling to her little hearts desire. Hold on tight for there are more rolled flower re-makes in the future for this girl!

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