My clippie ladies have been hounding me again for new ideas. That and I have been purchasing supplies like crazy for a handful of different events I am involved in and have spent a great deal of time online. One huge hazard with being online for hours on end is the inevitable side-track one ends up taking. Here is one fabulous find from Etsy. I was taken in by this pumpkin that showed up on the homepage and had to click to learn more.
Teresa from Bear Creek Felting makes these marvelous felted sculptures that seriously look like real animals.
I don't even know how to felt, but now I want to learn. That is no problem since Teresa sells kits on her Etsy site that come with complete instructions. She has included comments from customers that bought the kits as first-time-evers and had total successes.
The items are astounding enough, but what is TRULY amazing...she grows the wool herself! Really. She raises sheep, sheers them, cleans and somethings the wool, then sells it in a kit so you can make the above projects with a mere $12 investment plus shipping :0)
I think it is a steal and may just be in my immediate future.
More amazing things from Etsy...
I was searching for felt clippies when I came upon this site. Chic Baby Rose sells these darling lace rompers. Yumm! I have been agonizing about making one/some for months. I can't seem to find a pattern, but have seen some crazy tutorials I have a little trouble believing in. You know I am a nut about making things the "right" way and the tuts say to basically sew a tube, cut a slit in the bottom, sew up and down the slit, and *BAM* you have a romper. Hmmm....
After seeing these pics I will just have to take the dive...that or buy one from Chic Baby Rose!
Seriously! HOw cute is that! Now I need a newborn to wear the romper I am almost ready to make...
Now these, these are considered DoNE! I found out yesterday that Hobby Lobby is selling the ruffle fabric I have been dreaming about...bought a yard just for the heck of it...and now I know what part of it will be used for! Again, don't want to make these, buy them already done from Chic Baby Rose!
Next up, flat-back buttons from Mama Beans and Company.
Besides the fact I am totally obsessed with Halloween already, these guys are adorable.
After the hair flowers we made at Super Saturday, I have been on the lookout for new daubers to put in the middle of my flowers and bows.
Tell me these buttons from Mama Beans and Company wouldn't be perfect!!! She finds the images and makes the buttons so you could order a completely custom set for your school or logo or WHATEVER!
Check her out!
My longer obsessed about, and frequently visited site is The Chica Boutique. Once I happened across her amazing use of rolled flowers, I have had to come back a couple times a week and just look at them again.
I loved the groupings she does for babies and brides...
Love it, but she also makes some simply elegant bridal garters like this one...
and this one...
Oh my heck! She uses Duponi Silk. I have attempted to make some as beautiful as hers, but not a real easy thing to do. Again, if you want to see more {and you must look at her hats} you can find her at The Chica Boutique on Etsy.
Last but not least, and definitely the YUmmIesT, Sugar and Flour.
OK, AMAZING! She makes and sells these cookies on Etsy. She takes special orders!
The description of the cookies is gonna make you lick your lips.
I can't even imagine her going to all that detail!
Thank you so much for this post Vanessa! I love your blog! ;)
The Chica Boutique