I had a special request for western themed prints for the Cub Scout Blue and Gold Photo Cubes. The lucky lady found me at an unusually free moment, so I thought I would make the set up real quick. I decided to put the files on Google Docs for download just in case anyone else needs the files. You can check out the posts from last year to see what I do to make the photo cubes HERE and HERE...or just wait for my post on our Angry Bird photo cubes in the next couple days.
Basically, print these files like photos, cut them down to the 3x3" squares they are, and modge podge them to blocks cut from a 4x4 beam.
I use these blank prints to plug in the scout's individual photos on one side of the cube, and the den's group photo on the other.
I hope you enjoy the printables!!! Let me know if you have any questions at vanessa.cam5@gmail.com
You can download this and other B&G Cubes HERE with Dropbox

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