Tuesday, January 3, 2012

ToolBox Tuesday: Cargo Carriers

I'm Baaaa-aaack! 
 Whew, what a break!  We had a lovely Christmas, New Year, and visit with family in Utah. 
Does it really have to be over?!?  The answer is a BiG YESSSS!
OK, so for many months I have been wanting to start this series of posts on my blog, 
ToolBox Tuesdays.  
I have come across a GREAT deal of fabulous tools in my craftatous life and have been simply dying to share them with you.  This was my best idea of how to make it happen.  Now, in all of my randomness {let me remind you that is why you love me :0} I am not the most consistent {sheepish grin}  NOpe.  Not one of my strong points, but I am willing to try and do a weekly post, if you are willing to forgive a couple of belated posts :0)  That said, I have our first EVER ToolBox Tuesdays....Drumroll please....

The Cargo Carrier
I know, I know...this has nothing to do with crafts...wait, it does!
You see, when I travel I MUST take my sewing machine, serger, paint, brushes, cakepop baller, hair flower box, various clippie supplies, etc, etc, etc.  We used to look like this driving down the road...
Now that we have a cargo carrier, we look like this...
Quite an improvement, don't 'ya think???

So I found my cargo carrier on Amazon.  I bought the Lund brand foldable carrier, retailing between $90 and $200.  
What does that look like?  
This!  It folds up when you empty all your crap  I mean Crafts off and you can simply fold it up and drive to Hobby Lobby to grab the one thing you left at home :0)  
**Do be advised** they do not come with the pin you need to secure it to your hitch.  Also, you will want some ratcheting tethers or bungee cords or something to tie the stuff to the shelf.  One more thing, it will only hold up to 500 lbs of your junk :0)  Hope that doesn't cramp your style too much.
All that said, it is FAbulOUs!   The SewCakeMaker family will never leave home without it again!!!

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