Woot! Woot!
I had my first Craft 'N Chat party today. After having to reschedule last week, we finally got our craft on.
You see, I have been living in Minnesota for one year now, and try as I may, I can't get over missing my besties back in Arizona. I just love those ladies. Desperate to have some girl talk time AND a little crafting of things I am not going to have to pack up and ship away after falling in love with them...I invited every new friend I have on Facebook that lives here locally and invited them to come over for a little girl time in the craft zone.
Like I said, I had to reschedule with all the crazy things that have been popping up lately, but we did finally break out all the wood I cut ages ago and painted up a storm.
This was my own personal mess :0}
Awe. It is so nice to have my counter covered in crafts once again. Looks way more fun than the counter covered in dishes!
I made up this kit my MIL got me from the wood store in Utah. So adorable.
I put my friend Danielle to work painting too. She wanted to make some name signs for her kids. Babies number 2 and 3 never got the monogram name sign baby number 1 did, so we made these.
This is Nathan ;0} He was my big helper. He came out and watched me saw and sand, then he worked the drill press all by himself {with supervision} and sanded both sides of the 4 holes we drilled. It was hard work, but he did great! I rewarded him by plastering his face with vinyl...which he wore the rest of the day. I love kids!
More of my disaster. This is my witches cauldron before the final coat of paint.
My poor toad is missing his eyes and so much more, but I was so excited to see how this all turned out. I will get you better pictures when I complete the finishing touches on this set, but who can wait for a peek!?!
My friend Sarah brought these lovely ladies and they all set to work on some wood projects too. They made a Fall for All set, my new witch's broom and some paper witch shoes. It just fun to sit and chat with them while they worked. I was way overdue for girl time! Now maybe I can get momentum up to have another Craft 'N Chat next month! I am pretty excited to try. I am thinking of having mostly Thanksgiving stuff available for ladies to do. We shall see...

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