Wow! What a WEEK!!! I barely have the energy to type. That is why I will be keeping this short.
Here is one of the costumes I worked on for my friends. She was going to be a lady bug and wanted a pettiskirt to wear underneath. Madison modeled the final product for me. Of course, now she wants one! It is Black on one side, with red trim, and all red on the other. I have started putting a layer of liner in between the layers of skirt to make them less see-through. I really like the improvement.
I finished up Eli’s Ron Weasley costume. He wanted the dress robes from one of the Harry Potter movies. Apparently Ron’s Aunt gave him hers (Don’t you just love cross-gender hand-me-downs :0( Anyway, Eli won the prize for the best boy costume at our church Trunk-er-Treat. I was shocked! I didn’t even think anyone would know what he was :0)
Madison was a punk-rock witch. She wore her black petti skirt, her new Halloween skirt, and this strange jacket/dress thing we found at Goodwill. The poor girl is build like her mother (not small) and the jacket was like a size 1, but we were able to widen the arm holes and it worked perfectly! I didn’t have any face paint, except for Emmer’s Yoda Green, so…I used toll paint (sheepish grin). Yes, I held my daughter’s eye shut and painted her face with acrylic paints. It worked lovely and was FREE!!!
We packed her hair on top of her head, threw in bobby pins of ribbons and tulle, and topped her off with a little candle holder that resembled a very small witch’s hat. Oh, and we can’t forget the spider web tights. They were very excitedly received when I came home from a shopping trip with them in my hands.
Emmalee really wanted to be a scary monster. The closest I could let my little darling get to a scary monster was to make her a girl Yoda. There must have been girl Yoda’s, right? I am certain Yoda had to have had a mother, right? We called her Yodette, Yoda’s girlfriend. If you asked Emmalee who she was she would tell you, “I’m a scary Yoda Monster”. It is all in how you present it to the child :0)
Here is how I made her hat. I traced the hood on her one and only jacket/coat onto heavy weight interfacing (non-fusible).
I cut the shapes and a couple ears out of each: 2 layers of fleece, one layer of interfacing, one layer of batting. I knew all that would make for a hot hat, but it has been rather cold here in AZ, even in the 70's most of the day :0) so I figured she could handle it.
I sewed two hats together, and the ears. I turned one hat right side out, and sewed both hats together right sides in.
I turned all the pieces right sides out and sewed around the edges. I got a new snap press with the proceeds from all my hair clippies, so I was more than thrilled to pull it out to add some snaps to my Yoda hat.
Sewn all together it looked a little more like a green donkey, than Yoda. Definitely "Shrek"-like, but oh well. It fit her "scary monster" criteria just fine. We added the hairbows to make it just that much more girly, as well as I made her a brown petti skirt to take it that much farther in the frilly department. The rest of her costume was composed of two men's dress shirts. I cut the dark brown one off and hemmed it just short enough for the skirt to show, wrapping a belt around her waist. The outer robe was a khaki dress shirt, cut off, sleeves cut off, and the collar cut off. Just a shell remaining of it's original form. Emmalee loved it! Again, I was very surprised when people really knew what she was. We did get one "Oh, here Fiona, have some candy", but only one :0)
Here, here is a Yoda pic for comparison :0)
Along with all the costumes and other activities, I got a last minute order for a pirate cake. I cranked this out Friday night in between all the hair clippy orders I have been slaving over for the past two weeks. This last order was half the size of the next one I have to do :0] I will get started on that one tomorrow! Wish me luck! More details tomorrow.
Happy Halloween from the Sew*CakeMaker family!
Happy Halloween from the Sew*CakeMaker family!
Hope you had a
SPooKtaCUlar DaY!!!

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