Since I spent the second half of this week working on clippies, and my entire {very small} bucket of energy today on cleaning my garage with the temperature around 106 {talk about sweating bullets} I thought I would show you some of the photos I shot of my sister while on vacation. My cute little sister, the very littlest of all my sisters, is going to be a senior this year. She needed photos for her yearbook, but being so painfully shy as she is, she didn't want to go to the regular guy. We lucked out that our vacation landed us in town the very week she needed the pictures done. She may regret asking me to take them now that I have shared them with the world, but can you blame me!?! She is so stinken' cute!
Every time I go out taking photos I learn a little more. Usually not until I get back home and try to crop and edit them, but at least I do learn :0)
One HUGE issue I had, remember that I haven't had my camera too long, was that the thumbnail of photos taken spontaneously changed from full screen to a little thumbnail that was about 1" big. I couldn't see anything in that tiny picture, and I couldn't figure out how to change it back, so I didn't look at it very often. Big Mistake! One thing I would have noticed was that my aperture was way to wide for taking photos in full sun. I ended up with a couple pictures looking like they were in a total snow storm. This picture was one of them:
With my photoshop program I was able to rescue the image a little bit, but I am still very sad that I didn't check the view finder more often to make sure the pictures were taking correctly. Or maybe that I didn't know how to change my thumbnail to a bigger size. Somehow, magically, it returned to normal the next day :0) Wouldn't you know it would happen that way!
Another thing I have found is that it is important to take some photos from farther back, catching some of the scene, but make sure to take many different angles up closer to make sure you get the clearer image you are looking for. I am finding that the best split-second shots I am getting are when I am farther back. When I crop them in, the image isn't as clear. That is the other thing I want to work on right now.
Sister likes horses so we drove around looking for a farm with photogenic horses. I thought we had it here, but apparently the horses and I had different opinions about which end was more photogenic. I teases little sis about the fact her photos would be full of horse butts. I had to throw this one in the line-up!
Photography is kind of an illusive concept to me. I haven't really gotten what makes you good just yet. It causes stress to a perfectionist. I like to know the right way to do everything. I will read 4+ tutorials before attempting a small project so that I get a general consensus on what the "right way" is to make it. With photography, you can't really read about how to be good. You have to get the basic understanding of how your camera works, but you just have to get out there and exercise the good old trial-and-error method of learning. My third are of improvement is to move around a little bit more. I have been surprised at what a different angle can do to a photo.
It is all so fun. I have said it before and I will say it again, I have so very much to learn. Win or lose, I am having a lot of fun just giving this whole photography thing a try.

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