When I couldn't find my camera cord to download pictures, I started flipping through my phone pictures. Like my sock basket, it was packed full of fabulous odds and ends. Some of them were so "ME" that I just had to post them.
I am all about furniture re-dos and that green bench shown above is totally fabulous! It was made from an old door and a bed frame. I was actually eyeing the burlap sacks too. I really want to make some pillows out of some of those. This picture is from an antique store in Phoenix, Rust N Roses. Totally cute. It is SUPeR expensive, but so fun to walk through. If you stop by there, you M.U.S.T stop by the clothing store next door. It is totally shabby chic. LOve it!
This shelf was at the Brass Armadillo antique store they just opened in Goodyear...or is it Avondale, AZ? I am not quite sure, but it is over there by JCPenny. I liked how much more room there was on the ladder with the longer shelves. I guess, since I have one of these ladders in my living room I liked seeing a different way to display it than just draping a quilt over it.
OK, the next couple pictures are from my FAVORITE scrapbook/quilt store, located in Mesa, AZ. I think it is called Scrapbooks or Scrapbooks etc. I can never remember which, but they started carrying fabric a couple years ago and have all the newest lines of fabric displayed as projects all over the store.
This quilt is on my to-do list. One of the ladies that works there told me how simple it is. You just cut your squares to your desired size, mark the background fabric like a grid, and glue them to the fabric with a glue stick. All that's left is to sew over the grid lines and you are basically done with your quilt top. Love!
How cute is that cupcake stand! Seriously, SCALLOPED!?!
I think I need one of these...."Oh ScoOott....."
K, disregard the plug hanging in front of this quilt :0) The scrapbook store also offers sewing classes. This quilt was mounted in the classroom. I love how simple the design was. I can see this pattern being a good quilt-in-a-day pattern.
As a ruffle addict, and a lover of all things yellow, this table runner stopped me in my tracks. Burlap, ruffles, rolled flowers...BLISS!
Check out this mountain of cotton candy. Our server at Saddle Ranch {at the Westgate, Glendale, AZ} brought this to our table while we were waiting for the Taylor Swift concert to start. It was green apple flavored! YuUum.
This is an Arizona dust storm rolling in. We were driving to get Madison from a babysitting job just in time to drive through it.
It was a truly crazy experience. If I looked out my right window I saw this beautiful blue sky...
And out the left, this. Nice, huh? After just driving through one of these your have that grainy feeling on your teeth like you just had a dental cleaning. Can't say I will miss those dust storms :0)
Grandma send Emmalee a set of those clip-on dress princess toys. If you haven't seen them, they are fabulous! Anyone that has ripped a polly pocket outfit trying to get that stiff little body squished into that hardly stretchy outfit knows that these new toys are a blessing.
They look like this. I found this picture at KMART.com, but you can find them just about anywhere. They have tons of sets. The dresses work like a clothes pin. You just squeeze the bottom of the dress and the neckline opens up so you can put the princess in or out of her gown. Maybe they should do that to people's clothes too ;0) It would make dressing an infant a little easier!
How cute are these!?! I couldn't believe them the first time I saw them, but fake eyelashes for cars???? Love it! They are lined with bling making them even more fashionable :0}
My darling Marching Band girl. We have completely handed over our lives to the high school marching band. Literally. We accepted the job offer in South Dakota, four day later were sitting around after church chatting when I realized that Madison would be old enough for marching band, being a freshman and all. I ran into the other room, searched for area high schools, and discovered that we were 4 days from the start of band camp. We packed up and headed north, just me and the kids. I made the 31 hr in two days so that we could get there in time. Whoow! Glad that drive is over.
I am sure you can see her ;0) Madison is the girl {look to the goal post on the right} front row, second one in.
That's My Girl!
We went to the Martin County Fair a few weeks ago. Some cute little 4h student made this backdrop out of 4 pallets. I think it is super cute! Pin that into "what to do with a pallet"
Also at the fair, a little sewing shop recently opened in town and they had a cute booth with this sign above. I thought it was darling. Wouldn't it be cute to make your kid's name or some seasonal word in this same fashion? Super cute.
While at the fair, Pork Chop on a Stick! Never had it? You need to take a quick drive to Minnesota during fair season! So yummy.
Last, but not least, proof that I am still caking, even though I have been without an oven for 5 months now ;0) Emmalee and I set to work with her playdough. I guess it is a sign that we watch a little too much of cupcake wars. Emmalee talked on and on about how we needed to make the cupcake just perfect and how we just had to win 'cause the prize would be lots and lots-a dollars! Whew. Remind me never to work in HER kitchen! Talk about stressful.
So, hope you liked my "sock basket" mis-matched of pictures. I had a great time at my new friend's house today and got a couple more projects done. I shall see you soon with pictures of the fun!

Thanks for keeping us updated...glad you made you made a new friend. Wonderful cupcake your daughter designed!