OK people. My head just grew a few inches. My pride is probably swelling just a little beyond safe limits today. After several requests, and dropping the 4yr old off at preschool for some mommy/computer alone time, I have managed to convert these files from my Creative Memories program where I created them, over to Photoshop Elements! I now have files so you over worked and under paid Cub Scout Leaders can just plug your pictures into these pit passes if you have PSE!
Small accomplishment for some, but NOT ME :0]
So, the file is HERE in dropbox for the yellow pass...
And HERE for the black one. Don't get too excited yet. I plan to make a new version for this year's model!
I know, I know. Stop holding your breath. It is at the bottom of today's list, so that puts it getting done some time in December ;0}
Back to work. Childless minutes are valued above all else now a days!
thank you for this! I just got asked to come up with pit passes for this year. You just saved me a LOT of time. :)