New Indiana Jones Blue and Gold prints!!!
What a fun theme. I tell you what, these cub scout leaders these days are getting more and more creative. That makes for a bunch of lucky cub scouts when their leaders care enough to put so much time into their activities!!!
As always, 4 prints to choose from and one blank so you can insert the pictures of each boy or each den.
Instructions and links:
I cut the blocks out of 4x4 {actual size 3.5 x 3.5} posts. It is my understanding that if you don't have a saw or a dad in the pack that can cut wood, Home Depot or Lowes will cut them for you, but you might have to pay a little extra. If they happen to say no, I would say the small ma-n-pa lumber stores will cut them for you. Just tell them to cut them to 3 1/2" long.
Now, the cube prints are actually sized for 4x6 photo prints. Just send them to your favorite photo lab. Most labs will let you email the files over now. I print one of each file for every cube you are going to make.
Paint the cubes {technically you only need to paint about 1" in from all the corners since the photos will cover the middle of the blocks}. Cut the photos down to the square {they print on a 4x6 photo, but the actual print is only 3.5x3.5 (or actually smaller) square. I use mod podge to glue the pictures to the blocks. Paint one side of the cube with mod podge, a nice even, healthy coat, then place the print on top. I rub it down, then use a credit card or old gift card to kinda squeegie across the print to make sure there are no bubbles underneath. Be sure not to squeeze out all of the glue though. It will cause your picture to pull away from the cube as it dries and result in bubbles under your picture. {somewhat of a visual on how I paint my cubes at this posting}
Normally I do one print on all of the blocks, then start back at the first block and do print number two. Do all the sides in this assembly-line-style until you are finished. Once all the prints are glued to the sides AND THE GLUE HAS DRIED, paint an even coat of mod podge over the top. You may have a couple edges not stuck down. This is a good time to shove some glue underneath and to rub the print down, then mod podge over the top. I set out bbq skewers across my covered table to rest the blocks on while they dry. You do not need to do anything to the bottom of the cube, but it is nice to paint that side completely just to give it a finished feel. If you are a crazy overachiever, you can glue some felt to the bottom.
Here are links to the other styles I have so far.
You can find any and all Blue and Gold
prints HERE in my Dropbox folder.
They are just sitting there waiting to be
downloaded for FREE!!! Email me
with any questions at
