Here are the first of many skirts that came from my fabulous Vegas Weekend. I have decided to call the outcome of that weekend my “Vegas Collection” :0) Sounds high fashion, now doesn’t it?
I purchased this fabric last spring. Yes, that is how long it has been sitting in my sewing area, already cut and marked for sewing. I zipped it through my ruffle foot on my little Singer and Voila! The girls have new “winter” skirts
-please do notice the *LACK* of winter we are having.
Also from the Vegas Collection is Madison's white petti skirt she wore under her "winter" skirt today. I love, Love, LOVE the petti skirts under any twirl-ish skirt. It just gives the lift to make them really full. You would never believe that up until my Emmers was born, I was not one for ruffles. However, we are all capable of change at some point or another, and that was me with ruffles. Now I can't get enough of them.
At the baby shower I went to yesterday they had advice for the new mom in lu of games. The biggest thing mentioned was to go girly with your little girls. Take her to get her nails done, have tea parties and ruffles and bows. I think I have that down now :0)
While I was at it I made these hairbows flowers. This really is my newest favorite flower. Like I posted yesterday, 1 1/2 “ strip of fabric, melted on both long edges, running stitch with craft thread, then glue the gathered strip to a felt circle. Smack a bobber in the middle and you have this FABULOUS ruffly flower I am totally enamored with. I want one for my hair!!! and I am not one to accessorize myself.
These flowers are just too tempting! Don't forget to twirl a little after putting it on...
Here is Madison's.
I love that Madison, although on the eve of being 13, still LOVES to match her little sister. Emmalee LOVEs that Madison always has time for her. Ems knows just where the trunk-sized box of nail polish is in Madison's room and knows that no matter when she pleads, Madison will stop anything she is doing to paint her fingernails :0) To see the two of them giggling and whispering is so sweet to my heart.
So that is the first set of skirts. I will work on getting the other skirts posted. I have to choose my words and photo ops carefully. Today I told Emmalee I was going to take a picture of Madison in her skirt and asked if she wanted to come along. That was the most cooperative Emmalee has ever been. When she knows the pictures are of her she takes off running and laughing in the other direction. I end up with 12 pictures of her behind :0)
There are also 2 more baby showers this week. You know about as well as I what I will be making for those. Hopefully something comes to me soon :0)
Have a GREAT WEEK!!!

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