I just dropped Grandma off at the airport today and thought I would show you a little of what we managed to do during our visit. This ruffled table runner was probably the craftiest thing made betwixt cooking, clean-ups and Diet Coke runs. I was told that Minnesota Grandma's table was naked due to lack of a Spring table runner, so it was my crafty duty to rectify the situation. I plan to make one for myself and will show you more up-close photos when that is ready.
Auntie Kallie (my little sister) and her son Johnathon decided last minute to come along with Grandma. Kallie is expecting in July so the only natural thing to do was to make a baby blanket, right? Kallie found this darling, already-pieced fabric at Hobby Lobby and asked if I would help her put it together. She sewed the blanket together, I got the fun part of putting the trim on.
Kallie pretended to be camera shy. I feel it my very sisterly duty to get you a picture of the beautiful prego darling :0)
Hate to tell you Kallie, you can run, but you can't hide!
I have my ways-Wah-ha-ha-ha Ha!!!! (sinister, evil laugh)
Here is half a face :0) We are half-way there already!!!
You should also know that I am rotten down to my very core when it comes to sibling torture. I pride myself on the fabulous level I have achieved recently. First piece of evidence, the underwear I had my mom steal from my sister's suitcase so I could ruffle it :0)
Yep, that is right! I pulled out my ruffler foot and never laughed so hard :0) Three fabulous rows of fluffy red ruffles on Kallies very favorite pair of undies! You wish you thought of it, don't ya!?!
What else did we do while they were here? Well, Emmalee and Chase took Little John out on the town, showing him the sights and sounds they call their own...really..there was a LOT of calling out MINE! over the past few days...but the kids really had a lot of fun together.
How cute is this little piggy!?! I think she was actually posing for us. She lives over at the house with all the petting zoo animals. Since finding that yard of animals we have taken just about every toddler we know to visit. Now Johnathon can add that to his Arizona Passport.
Grandma saved this very vital piece of
Federal property from the canal after Little John may or may not have allegedly, and ever so softly, tossed it into the canal. FBI, give me a call and I will get you his address :0)
Federal property from the canal after Little John may or may not have allegedly, and ever so softly, tossed it into the canal. FBI, give me a call and I will get you his address :0)
Our fabulous Aunt and Uncle came up from Yuma for a visit too. We took the whole crew to someone else's neighborhood for a fabulous resort-like feel. This community is not far from us with a huge man-made lake and tons of ducks to feed.
We dug through the cupboards for bread for the ducks. It must have been good bread because it started disappearing before the ducks made it to our side of the lake.
I took a picture of Johnathon throwing rocks a few days ago. The rocks were frozen in the air, mid-throw. Eli loved the photo so much he made me take 50 pictures of him throwing rocks into the lake until I managed a shot of his rocks frozen in time. I do actually love the shot.
One other place we took our visitors was our favorite Arizona Science Center. Above is Emmalee, my little puzzle junkie, trying to put this poor guy back together. Sadly, this 3D human puzzle was a bit more than she bargained for.
Here is Emmalee showing Johnathon how to use the pulley chairs. You sit on them and use a pulley/rope system to pull your chair up a pole. Emmalee loved this exhibit and wanted Johnathon to give it a try.
Johnathon hopped on and was like, "This is a lame ride!" He didn't quite get the idea that you pull the rope and not just wait for it to pull you :0) Good thing Uncle Scott was there to play human motor.
OH! There is a picture of Kallie! She was convinced to lay her pregnant self on the bed of nails for a little R&R. Not sure it worked, but I am sure she loves this picture :0)
Madison loves this exhibit. The kids stand behind a screen and SOMEHOW it looks like the little beads are falling on them, filling up whatever ledge they fall on. Tons of fun!!!
We could not let a visit with family go by without a photo session at our favorite place. We brought bubbles this time. We didn't quite achieve the effect I was going for. I wanted soft little bubbles all over the air, children smiling, all four grandkids in the shot. Johnathon took one step into the field of wheat and ran the other way. My kids were so distracted by the shiny, fancy bubbles that I couldn't get a clear shot of anyone's face. Oh well! They all had fun anyway :0)
Johnathon took special interest in the pile of tires. He lifted, tugged, rolled and pulled them all over the place. I had fun trying to get a picture of his face. Apparently he is famous for showing you his backside every time you try to take a photo. I like this shot. He looks so deep in thought, like all 3yr olds are :0)
Oh, there is Kallie again! That tire was actually a run-away tire trying to steam roll her flat. Luckily she was "spared"
...get it...tires...SPARED!
I am so funny!
We almost did it, got a picture of all the grandkids.
I still love the picture. These are all of Minnesota Grandma's grandkids...and Kallie :0) She really is just a big kid at heart so I guess she can be in the picture too. That and the fact Johnathon looked like a floating head when he stood on the ground in the wheat, to quote Grandma :0)
This was a shot of the full moon that evening. It was totally HUGE and simply amazing to see.
Anyway, I had a great time torturing my sister and her little boy, visiting with my mom, and laughing myself soggy :0) Next time we will go to Minnesota for the visit, but don't worry Kallie! I won't forget my ruffler foot. It doesn't take up much space at all in my carry-on bag :0)
Up next, I have been working very hard on the kid's bathroom. I have repainted it and currently have a secret project under way. I will have pictures to show you shortly...
Can you even wait!?! I can't!!!

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