Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sweet Treats for Prom

I spent the day with my friend Christina.  She was put in charge of dessert for her son's prom dinner.  Originally she had requested help making flower cake pops.  After the 3 page email I sent full of links to cupcake bouquets and the cake pops below, she had a slight change of plans.  You can see the cupcake bouquet she liked at the flickriver site for Mossy's Masterpiece cake/cupcake designs.  It is the 5th picture down.  We didn't end up much like it, but I am totally happy with the finished product.  The kids are eating outside in someone's backyard so we went a little "garden" with the bouquet to make it a fun centerpiece for the table.  

Christina really liked the cupcake pics in the picture, but unfortunately, they are not available at any local craft stores around here.   I decided we had to have them so I made my own.
It was really simple.  I cut (out of 1/8" wood) small circles about the size of a cupcake bottom, drilled holes wide enough for my BBQ skewers, and inserted the skewer pointy side up.  I poked the skewer through so that about 1 1/2" poked out the top to spear the cupcakes.  The hole was pretty tight, but I piped a bead of hot glue around the skewer right were it meets the bottom of the circle as an added "shelf of safety". 
I have used the whole cup system in the past as shown here, but it is kind of hard to get the cupcakes out if you plan on serving them right then. 
These picks let you arrange the cupcakes like actual flowers in a bouquet, plus they make the cupcakes easy to grab.  I will tell you, since we used shiny aluminum cupcake wrappers, and since the bouquet had to be transported, I blobbed some hot glued on the top side of the circle before stabbing the cupcakes.  The skewer would probably have been enough, but I wanted to be extra sure they would not come off in transit. 

For our bouquet, I started with a wooden box made to fit a block of green floral foam.  I painted the box green for a background color, then painted the cupcake pics and box white.  Once dry, I sanded the edges of the box and hot glued the floral foam to the bottom of the box.  Two sheets of pink tissue paper were thrown in as a filler, then, one at a time, each cupcake was added to the bouquet.  I used clippers to cut each skewer to the desired height.  Then I blopped the hot glue to the pic top, stabbed the bottom of the cupcake with the skewer point, and inserted the cupcake flower where I wanted it in the bouquet.  

You would probably be interested to know only about 3 stayed in their original places.
I kept taking cupcakes out from over here and moving them over there over and over again until I got the look I wanted.  For a final touch I added the dainty pink flowers and a couple more pieces of pink tissue. 
How sweet is that!!!  I wish I had something else to make a cupcake bouquet for. 
These icing colors are just perfect for Spring :0)

Here are the cake pops we made.  The site with the photo we really loved was from the Wisconsin State Journal.  I really shouldn't say we.  Christina can take full credit here.  I simply mixed up a chocolate color or showed her the next step.  She took over and made these babies all by herself!
Surprisingly, all the work and mess didn't deter her!  She spent the whole time thinking up occasions to make more cake pops :0)
It is addictive I tell you!

How cute is this couple!?!
What a fun treat for the cute kids going to the prom tonight!
Thanks for today Christina!  It was a total blast :0)

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! I was talking with Christina today and she said she was with you all day making these. I should have sneaked a peak. I'm glad I could see them now. I'm sure the kids loved them! :)


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