I spent many an hour getting ready for our twilight party. I lost track of how long it took to make 14 of these countdown block sets. I did figure out that there were 840 pieces of paper that were distressed and modge podged. It felt like it too :0)
Remember these? They turned into these...
And this...
turned into this...
I absolutely loved this glass block. Wanna' know how I did it?
Take a picture to the copy store and ask for a transparency. This one cost me $1. Cut it to the desired size, then insert into your container...
I put mine in this glass block, then filled with water and floated a wired red ribbon inside. It also works in one of these...
A candle inside would also make a nice effect. I first saw this technique inside soap dispensers. You can print a message on transparency and slip it inside a clear soap dispenser. It makes a nice neighbor gift at Christmas or for visiting teaching. A new mom-you can never have enough soap when you are a new mom, right?
Next up, all my plate stands. I started with this plate. I think it is a pottery plate, covered in silver leafing. This and all the following came from half-price Sat. at goodwill. I got all plates and stands for less than $10 all together. So that plate and this candle stick...
Add a little gorilla glue....and...
Then add cheesecake (recipe Here for the best cheesecake ever). My husband, every time he bites into another piece, looks up at me and says, "You really made this yourself?" Don't know if I am that bad of a cook on an average day or if this cheesecake is that good, but you should try it your self. I make that exact recipe(plus a little more butter in the crust) in a 9x13 pan instead of a spring form pan. Baked for an hour then left in the oven, unopened, all night. Put it in the fridge in the morning. Gets better and better, if you can believe it, when left in the fridge for a day or so.
and this vase, upside down
...add gorilla glue...
The stuff is really easy to use. It does smell like perm and is slightly yellow. I fixed that with photoshop, but if you are gluing glass, you will want to use a doily to cover that up.

These plates were glued to these candle sticks...
topped with fir garland I had twisted into a circle...
Threw a candle in the middle of each...
Of course I had to make the party placecards over so they fit the theme! Apples with black, red, and white ruffles. I love using my ruffler. Just had to say in case you forgot that too.
One of the last things I made was 14 of these bags. I got the fabric from walmart $1.50/yd. I debated about not having the extra work and just buying some from the dollar store, but 14 would = $14.00. By sewing them it only cost me $6 and ended up, in my opinion, way cuter. The bags were made by cutting a rectangle 30x15" I cut all the edges with my pinking (zigzag) blade rotary cutter because my serger was broken, again, and that would keep the edges from fraying without me having to hem all the seams. I added a strip of bias tape 3" down from the top. I just sewed the top and bottom edge of the tape to the bag, then ran the ribbon through that. The bottom of the bag was about 9", with a 1/2" seam allowance around the whole circle. I found a bowl lid that was 10" and it worked perfectly. I laid that down on the fabric(folded over so there were 4 layers) then just ran the rotary cutter around the lid to cut them out.

They worked well. I finally found my bag in Madison's room after the party. It was stuffed with all our party favors, plus her whole place setting and some. Apparently she thinks it is hers.
Now, if you are looking for the paper items I came up with, like the Twingo card pieces and all that, you can check out my photobucket album. If you go there you can download anything you want to use for your party :0) The actual Twingo card isn't a picture, so if you want that, email me and I will send it to you. I have to say it was WAY fun to finally plan a party that was for MY friends! You know, people old enough not to need bibs or help in the bathroom :0) You should definatly try it!
Ok, I am officially jealous! If I weren't going on leave home I would totally want to attempt to have a twilight party. I just don't think, with a week to plan at home on vacation, that I would be able to pull of half as good a party.
ReplyDeleteEverything looks amazing!
You are so amazing!
ReplyDeleteI've taken on the challenge and my "coven" has grown to 9 girls! We want to keep it small but Vaness, I am in love w/MANY of your ideas! You are a creative genius!
ReplyDeleteOk, seriously!Holy CRAP, I need to take some party throwing pointers from you. That looks awesome! Can I come to the next party you do? ;) Looks like everything turned out amazing!