Wohoo! I am so TOTALLY excited to be home! We have been taking things one room at a time with the unpacking, but every once in a while I need a break! Today I chose playing with my pics from Emmalee's Preschool graduation.
These are just the pictures from outside before the thing started.
Emmalee was looking so cute, I thought it might be a good time for close-ups of all the kids.
I am hoping to make some canvas shots for the living room wall.
I love this one of Eli. It is probably the one we will use {even though the next one is really my favorite}.
What a cute smile! It melts a Momma's heart! Unfortunately Eli's sisters were both too crabby to give me real giggle smiles like his, so we will have to settle for the grin...unless I force them all back outside for more ;0)
OK, hoping to make those faux canvas prints with these pictures later this week. I guess it will all depend on how much the project is gonna cost. Wish me luck!

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