I have been sick all day and finally feeling like doing something, but not much. Here are a few more of the projects from my crazy "Gotta Do" file.
This one comes to you from one of my original loves, Inspiring Creations. I love Lindsey's projects! She does a lot with paper and wood, and need I mention MODGE PODGE!?!
So Fun!
I need to make one of these. I currently have a Santa holding the soap at my kitchen sink. I did finally take down the valentines plates-leaving the plate rack empty, and the spring chicks from my entertainment center before the ladies came for bunco last night, so Santa is due for removal. I have seen this on a few sites lately, but I found this tute at Decorchick.
Have you ever wanted to know how to make any kind of fabric, felt, ribbon, etc flower? Here you go! All in one location! From Oopsey Daisy!
Same site, different post, Oopsey Daisy and these awesome visuals for their coordinating preschool songs.
How cute, and durable, does this look!?! You can find the tutorial here at Fabulous on a Teachers Salary.
You know I love this idea. I am not sure I would ever be up for all the work, but how much more fun would math facts be? Huh? This project was done at Fowl Single File.
I am loving this chore chart from Brown Paper Packages. I wish my child could play the cello. I am not a huge fan of the burlap revolution. I do believe in two years we will see a huge supply of it at Goodwills and Salvation Armies all over the country, but this is a really cute idea. I love the clothes pins!
Same site, just by one of my favorite bloggers doing a blog swap-I (heart) naptime. How happy is this block project!?! It makes me want to hit the beach or something! Where have I been all summer. I have been waisting precious summer crafting opportunities like this!
Have you ever seen apple baskets look SO GOOD!?! I need some now so I can make these! Again with Brown Paper Packages.
I am actually trying to find the Edible Playdough Post. I better find it soon or I will just be showing you all of Kierste's projects!
Oh My Gosh! I just can stop! I LOVE this color mini book on a ring, post found HERE!
Ok, picture actually from Oopsey Daisey, but the recipe can be found from, again, Brown Paper Packages, right HERE! Basically the peanut butter playdough recipe, so if you are allergic to PB, not for you. I am looking for
a link I saw last week with colored dough. I am sure you could just make sugar cookie dough and use that. We have been known to make cookie dough, leave out the egg, just add a little milk at a time to make it the right consistency, then freeze to eat as a frozen treat. I would do that with the sugar cookie dough, just leave out the egg, add milk instead. Yumm! I mean, how fun!
While we are one the subject of edible art, here is a recipe for edible paint. Looks fun to me. Found that at Living Locurto.
Well that is enough fun for me today! Maybe the cold will be gone tomorrow :0)

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