Ladies, pull out the magnifying glass, we have piggies!!! Not only do we have piggies, but miss Emms reminds me to put them in if I forget! I didn't think I would ever be allowed to do her hair. For the last who-knows-how many months she ripped out anything I even held near her hair. Now piggies just aren't enough, she wants bows! Its a dream come true. Now we are late to church each week cause I don't have any bows made and we can't go to church with such pitiful little piggies and no bows!

As you can see, she has hair in the back. And no, I didn't cut her bangs this short! They simply refuse to grow. The hair on the top of her head has grown, but all hair stops here. What is a girl to do. Just don't blame the mamma!

January 2010
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