Spring is here and THIS CHICK IS READY FOR SPRING!!! The three chicks that live in this house have been soooooo busy making this fun project with every friend we know, almost. We have had atleast 4 chick-making parties 'cause they are soooo cute, easy and cheep-cheep. These are the chickies we made with our first group of groupies.
Of course my own cutie chicky had to paint too. I just couldn't resist putting her picture in here too.

More chicks, more bow options. I got the chick body from The Wood Connection in Salt Lake City two years ago and finally got around to doing something with it. They painted their chick, but I thought the mod podged paper would make the project more fun.

Here are the supplies you will need. Wood pieces, good luck with that one, paper-the thicker the better, scissors, modge podge, foam and/or brisle brushes, paint for edges and black for the eyes, and plastic for under the table. You might also want a sanding block, distressing ink, feathers or feather boa for the hair, misc. ribbons or flowers and blush or paint for cheeks.

Trace the pieces face down on the wrong-side of the paper. You want to cut the pieces out just inside of the line. It is better for the pieces to be too small(you will have paint behind them just incase) than to have them too big and hanging over the edge.

When your pieces are cut out, you can paint the wood. I paint the sides first, then the back, and then just the edge of the front like this...

Next, modge podge the wood. Slop it on there. I use a small sponge brush and just dip it into the jar, don't bother pouring it into a bowl or plate and wasting the expensive stuff.

A friend told me that if you paint the back of the paper also, it will have less chance of bubbling up on you. Don't know if it is true, just do it and hope it is. The best way to prevent the paper from bubbling up is to use thicker paper. The thin stuff just bubbles no matter what you do. Go for the better paper or just plain cardstock and save yourself the headach. You want to work quickly though, so the glue doesn't start to dry. If it does, just slop some more on and keep going :0)

Next, apply the paper to the wood pieces and rub the living daylights out of them. I start in the middle and work my way out. It seems to get the bubbles out fairly well. You can also use one of those bone tools Martha always uses. I have one but it was taken to be a Barbie diving board and has never been heard of again :0(

Sand or cut off the little over-hanging edges, if any :0)

Ink the edges with distressing ink then apply a top coat of modge podge to all pieces.

OK, hot glue on the feather boa and bows or flowers to the top of the head. *Optional* Brush the cheeks with blush or stipple them on with paint. Hot Glue the feet and beak. Dot the eyes with the end of your brush and some black paint.

Finished product!!! So hip-chick!

These dollies were made by my 11 year old daughter and my 9 year old son. They did a fabulous job and their chicks are a welcomed addition to our springy family!

Cute! I love how they all look just a little bit different! I need to get some of that distressing ink--it really adds a lot to a project!
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking up to Make it Yours Day!
So adorable! I actually have about 5 of these in my craft closet untouched! Thanks for the idea!
ReplyDeleteSo cute! I'm adding these to my "to do" list!
ReplyDeletelove those too cute
ReplyDeleteDid you cut the beak and feet out of wood? Thinking that would be hard because they are so small
ReplyDeleteOne more quick question.....Did you glue the feather to the back of the chick or did you drill a hole in the top and stick it into the top?
ReplyDeleteYou know, we just kinda put a blob of hot glue on top of the chicks head and stuck a feather to it :-) but either other way would work too.
These are so cute ! ! Just found these on Pinterest this morning 2/10/2017 as I was up and awake at 3:59 AM.. OHIO another craft Project for me to do.. Love them.. ! !
ReplyDeleteOmg sooo cute!! Are the feet wood as well?? Did you get them the same place as the bases?
ReplyDeleteThese would make an awesome teacher gift for easter!! The kids would be able to help even!! Love this idea!! Just wondering what size the wooden shapes are? The egg shape, feet, and beak measurements. I am assuming the feet and beak were cut from mdf board?? Thanks so much for the input!!